Officers: Five to thirteen officers shall constitute the Board of Directors of this Section. They shall be the President, Vice President, a Secretary/Treasurer, and from two to ten Directors as appointed by the President. Elections will be held on a biennial basis. All elected officers must be members of the Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association and the Water Environment Federation. For afull list of responsibilities follow the link to the WCOS Bylaws.
President: The President shall preside over all meetings of the section. He/she shall, prior to the regular meeting after his/her election, appoint all committee members and shall be a member ex-officio of all committees. He/she shall perform such duties as are delegated to him/her, or those generally pertaining to the office of President.
Vice President: The office of the Vice President shall assume the duties and possess all powers of the of the President when the President is absent from a meeting, or otherwise incapable of discharging the functions of his/her office.
Secretary/Treasurer: The Secretary/Treasurer serves in a three year commitment to the Board as Secretary/Treasurer Elect, Secretary/Treasurer, and Past Secretary/Treasurer. The Secretary/Treasurer monitors funds in the section bank account and maintains a Section account check book, takes minutes and Board and Section meetings, and is in charge of communication with Section members.
Directors: Directors serve as the designated representative for an assigned area with the Section are responsible for contacting each water and wastewater facility in their area to inform them of Section activities, conferences, and other related activities. Directors work with the Officers to find approved training for CEU’s and when Section meetings are hosted in the Director's region. They help locate the meeting place and furnish the meeting refreshments.